Parents Teacher Association

(Affiliated To Youth ExNoRa International)
  • Environmental Service Organization formed with an aim to realize a cleaner, greener and more environ-friendly world.
  • Founded in Chennai by renowned social activist Dr.M.B.Nirmal.
  • Exnora International is a Non-Profit, Non-Political, Secular, Non-Governmental organization
  • Excellent
  • Novel
  • Radical

We can move the world towards excellent with the novel and radical ideas.


Expand the minds of the AIMAN students to develop a clean and green environment.


Educating about Environmental factors to the students because the future belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

  • To create awareness of protecting environmental natural resources
  • To make plastic free zone inside college campus
  • To give importance to plantation of trees and seeds and also to protect forestry.
  • To conduct program on food waste management

The Inauguration of Students’ EXNORA of AIMAN College for Women was held in our campus on 24.08.2016 by Our Principal Dr.V.Subathra presented the presidential address. Mr. Senthil Kumar, District president, Youth Exnora International, Trichy, was the Chief Guest of the day. The Club was initiated to make students aware of preserving environmental resources of the local area and the College campus. The students of this ExNoRa club are involved in various activities related to environment such as plastic ban inside college campus, herbal gardening, conducting theme competitions based on the various sources of pollution/pollutants and their impacts.

This club is functioning in our College with the voluntary membership of more than 350 students every year. The students have a positive attitude to work voluntarily for a social cause. The EXNORA unit of our College undertakes several socially relevant and useful projects every year towards creating awareness among the College students on various issues relating to environmental sustainability.

  • Mrs.S.Sheerin, M.Sc.,Mphil., PGDCA., Assistant Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics Dept.
  • Mrs.S.Aasha, M.Sc., M.Phil., NET., Assistant Professor of Computer Science Dept.
S.No Name Department Position

I YEAR=163






Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), formerly National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, strives to promote resilient rural India through Higher Education interventions. MGNCRE designs, develops and promotes curriculum inputs for higher education programmes offered by Universities and Autonomous Institutions in India. The higher educational streams of focus for MGNCRE include: Rural Studies, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Education. Development of higher education curriculum addressing the needs of backward rural areas and their representative higher educational institutions, boosting the flagship social and rural development programmes with focus on education, skill development, employment, livelihoods and Swachh Bharat comprise the core initiatives. MGNCRE seeks to strengthen the rural higher education curriculum and the faculty members transacting it. Capacity building and professionalisation of Rural Institutes, skill development, entrepreneurship, livelihoods, community initiatives, creativity of local groups and proactive development action constitute the core content of MGNCRE research and interventions.



The conceptualization of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan started with the initiative of a group of dedicated faculty members of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi working for long in the area of rural development and appropriate technology. The concept was nurtured through wide consultation with the representatives of a number of technical institutions, Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) coordinators, voluntary organizations and government agencies, actively involved in rural development work, during a National workshop held at IIT Delhi in September, 2014. The workshop was sponsored by Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. The program was formally launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in presence of The President of India on 11th November, 2014


Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India


The Mission of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is to enable higher educational institutions to work with the people of rural India in identifying development challenges and evolving appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable growth. It also aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and an inclusive academic system by providing knowledge and practices for emerging professions and to upgrade the capabilities of both the public and the private sectors in responding to the development needs of rural India

  • To build an understanding of the development agenda within institutes of Higher Education and an institutional capacity and training relevant to national needs, especially those of rural India.
  • To re-emphasize the need for field work, stake-holder interactions and design for societal objectives as the basis of higher education
  • To stress on rigorous reporting and useful outputs as central to developing new professions
  • To provide rural India and regional agencies with access to the professional resources of the institutes of higher education, especially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering and technology, and management
  • To improve development outcomes as a consequence of this research. To develop new professions and new processes to sustain and absorb the outcomes of research
  • To foster a new dialogue within the larger community on science, society and the environment and to develop a sense of dignity and collective destiny

Organic Farming, Water Mgmt , Renewable Energy , Artisans, Industries and Livelihood, Basic Amenities , Convergence


Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

India celebrates its 75th Independence Day as Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav to spread the feeling of patriotism throughout the nation. To celebrate the 75th Independence Day, Red Ribbon Club of our college conducted a special assembly on 17th August, 2022 at 9:30 am in our college campus. The programme commenced with the recitation of Holy Quran and invocation of Tamil Thai Vazhthu. Janab Dr.A.M.M. Kader Buksh Hussain Siddiqi, President, Director of Islamic Studies hoisted the flag and addressed the gathering about the sacrifices of Indian freedom fighters of our country. H.Hasin Nisha, III B.A delivered a speech on Role of Tamil Nadu in India’s Independence. She highlighted the unsung heroes of Tamil Nadu and their protest against the British colonial movement

M.Marjuka Nusrath, II B.B.A addressed the students on the topic, ‘To Spark the spirit of Patriotism in youth’. She explained that, patriotism in youth helps to build a country with a better future. It also leads to the elimination of selfishness and corruption in the nation. Mrs.C.Priya, Head, Dept of Mathematics gave a speech on Women freedom fighters of India. She emphasized the contribution of Ambujathammal in Indian freedom struggle. She actively participated in the Non-Cooperation movement and boycotted foreign goods and clothes. Alongside she also helped especially in supporting the Mahila Aashram, a school for women that helped to teach self respect `through education. The assembly came to an end with the national anthem

On Celebrating the 75th Independence Day, Red Ribbon Club conducted “Solo Singing Competition” for the students in III Block at 11:15 am. Students from various departments participated in the event. They were actively participated and enhanced their creativity and singing talent


Winners List

Date: 17.08.2022

I M. Aashitha II BCA
II K.N.Ummul Reshma III N&D 'B'
III M.Jumana Thoufica III N&D 'A'
RRC Co-ordinators
  • Ms.A.Kokila
  • Assistant Professor of English

  • Ms.K.Nandhini
  • Assistant Professor of Apparel and Fashion Technology



Red Ribbon Club of AIMAN College of Arts & Science for women, Tiruchirappalli organized an awareness programme on “Cancer Awareness programme” in Auditorium on 07.11.2022 at 12.30 p.m. The program commenced with the recitation of a verse from Holy Quran. The Qirat was recited by Ms.T.Thabiya of II–AFT. The welcoming address was given by Ms.A.Shabnum Banu,II BA. Dr.A.V.K.shanthi. Principal, gave a Presidential Address, Dr. M.M.Shahul Hameed, Director, felicitated the gathering by stating the importance of Cancer awareness among the students, and Dr. M.M.Shahul Hameed, Director, honoured the Chief guest.

The Chief guest of the programme were Dr. B.Sathish, MBBS, MD, DNB, RADIATION ONCOLOGY, Kauvery Hospital, Trichy addressed the gathering about the objectives and roles of RRC in colleges in motivating youth, building their capacity as peer educators and spread awareness about the dreaded disease Cancer. The programme was to raise an awareness about the cancer. He gave an excellent coverage and clear view about the Cancer and to create awareness to the young minds and also encourage the students what was learned through this programme that knowledge will flourish to their family and neighbourhood. Nearly 300 participants were participated in the Cancer awareness programme. Finally, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms.A.Humaira Banu, II BA.



Red Ribbon Club of AIMAN College of Arts & Science for Women, Tiruchirappalli, and Bharathi Lab, Thillai nagar organized an awareness programme on “Blood Pressure Checkup and Treatment” in Seminar Hall on 03.12.2022 at 9 am to 3 p.m. The program commenced with the recitation of verse from the Holy Quran recited by Mrs.Y.Ferunisha, Assistant Professor of Arabic. The welcome address and honouring of the Chief guest was done by Dr.A.V.K.Shanthi. Principal, AIMAN College of Arts & Science for Women

Every member of the faculty and support personnel had their weight, height, Haemoglobin level, Blood group, Blood pressure and other health conditions were checked “Liabilities” instructed few health tips and diet for a sound lifestyle which impressed all the teaching and non-teaching staff

A team comprising 7 labiates from Bharathi Lab, Thillai Nagar, Trichy. Overall 87 staff participated in the camp. The Programme ended with a overall report by the labiates about health of staff which said we all were healthy and can improve


Youth represent a substantial part of the membership of Red Cross for its humanitarian commitment. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme. This has been designed to involve young people as much as possible in the movement and its activities.


Youth Red Cross Unit members are the builders of the Nation who take part in bringing the very MOTTO of Red Cross, that is, "SERVICE TO SOCIETY"


We, through our active YRC unit, inculcate in our students, humanitarian action based on the fundamental principles of the Red Cross Society, which include :

  • Protection of Life
  • Health and human Dignity
  • Respect for others
  • Acceptance of responsibility to help others without discriminations based on nationality, Gender, belief, class or political opinions
  • To inculcate in the Youth of our country.
  • An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
  • The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
  • To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
  • To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
  • HEALTH- Protection of health and life
  • SERVICE- to the sick and suffering
  • FRIENDSHIP- Promotion of National and international friendship to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth.

Information to be Updated Soon...


A book club is a group of people who meet regularly to discuss a chosen book or books that they have all read. Book clubs can meet in person or virtually, and they provide an opportunity for members to share their thoughts, insights, and opinions about the books they have read. Joining a book club can be a great way to discover new books, engage in thoughtful discussions, and connect with other readers who share similar interests

The main objectives of the Book Club are to
  • Encourage and bring awareness of reading
  • Engage the students in a lifelong appreciation of books
  • Expand students’ ability to express their ideas orally using academic language
  • Improve reading fluency and develop better writing skills
  • Improve oral verbiage skills and improve the research skills
  • Provide accountability for students in reading comprehension
  • Motivate the students to develop their own personal library and acquaint them with the world classics
  • Encourage them to read and follow the examples of great personalities through their biographies and autobiographies



"Be Mindful, Be Careful, Be Kind"

  • To promote positive mental well-being through various activities, such as mindfulness exercises, gratitude practices, educational workshops on topics like resilience and emotional intelligence
  • To create a supportive and inclusive space where members can learn, grow, and support each other in their pursuit of happiness and well-being
  • To develop joy, positivity and well-being within ourselves and our community through shared experiences, support and practices that promote mental, emotional, and physical wellness
  • To foster happiness not just individually, but also collectively within the community it serves
  • To create a positive and supportive community and to improve personal growth
  • To support one another to pursue their goals which contribute to overall happiness and fulfillment, through various techniques for managing stress, practicing gratitude, mindfulness exercises
  • Dr. R. Vaithegi
  • (Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil)

  • A. Blessy Rebecca
  • (Assistant Professor, Department of psychology)

  • M. Karpagalakshmi
  • (Assistant Professor, Department of English)


Eco Club seeks to promote environmental awareness at the grass root level by creating and nurturing green consciousness among the students. Understanding the central role of youth in saving the environment, it encourages them to be ambassadors for spreading the message of adopting an eco–friendly lifestyle in society at large.

The club provides a platform to create awareness about biodiversity conservation and local environmental issues by urging people to adapt their daily habits to the most sustainable options and adopt eco–friendly practices like recycling & saving non–renewable resources. It advances the notion that being environment-friendly is more about making informed choices on a personal level that changes one’s perception about and consumption of resources. It emphasizes the fact that the commitment to go green requires small & surprisingly easy changes that reduce one’s carbon footprint thereby benefiting both the wallet and the planet


The club will be committed to raising social awareness regarding environmental issues and changing students’ attitudes toward the environment by enlisting their active participation in the club’s activities

  • To create awareness among the students to Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • To inculcate a proper attitude about the environment and its conservation through action-based programs
  • To enhance students’ participation in the conservation of the microenvironment
  • To implement efficient solid waste management in the college
  • To create awareness among the students to reduce the use of plastic in the community

Electoral Literacy Club

Electoral Literacy Club is a platform to engage students in interesting activities and hands-on experiences by which they are sensitized on their electoral rights and familiarised with the electoral process of registration and voting. The club targets the new voters (in the age group of 18-21 years old) pursuing their graduation. It is constituted at the behest of Election Commission of India (ECI) in all the educational institution with a motive to aware and ensure the participation of youth and future voters whom are pillars of Indian democracy.

  • Promote voter education:Educate members and the community about the importance of voting and the electoral process.
  • Voter registration:Assist eligible individuals in the registration process, ensuring maximum participation in elections
  • Awareness of rights and responsibilities: Educate citizens about their voting rights and responsibilities as voters. Promote fair and ethical electoral practices, including discouraging voter fraud and corruption
  • Voter turnout: Strive to increase voter turnout by organizing voter drives and awareness campaigns.

Guidelines for gender championship


Gender socialization of both boys and girls beings early, and it is important to initiate change processes at a young age to shape attitudes and transform behaviours. Schools and colleges play a major role in this regard, because students spend large amounts of time engaged with peers in such settings. Creating positive social norms in educational institutions that value girls and their rights is important to improve the well-being of girls and achieve long-term and sustainable social change.

India is home to around 232 million individuals aged 15- 24 years, who account for 19.15% of the country’s population. Engaging with these young boys and girls is crucial to help them critically assess notion of masculinity and question prevailing general inequities. We need to tap into the goodness and sense of justice of these young boys and girl, and give them tools for maintaining those gifts as they encounter people and experience that are different from their own. We need to engage with these boys and girls to challenge and shift gender nouns that contribute to girls and women having less worth, opportunities and decision-making ability then boys and men

In order to promote gender equality, guaranteed by Article 15 of the Indian constitution, we need to change the mode of interaction at all level-home, school, and workplace and so on. To increase the outreach for creating an environment that fosters equal treatment, Government of India envisages engagement of Gender Champions in all schools and colleges across the country. Gender Champions can be both boys and girls about 16 years of age enrolled in educational institutions. It is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Human Resource Development.


Gender Championship are envisaged as responsible leaders who will facilitate and enabling environment within their schools/ colleges/academic institutions where girls are treated with dignity and respect. They will strengthen and potential of young girls and boys to advocate for gender equality and monitor progress towards gender justice


The board mandate of a Gender Champion is to provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understanding the social and cultural constructions of gender that shape the experiences of women and men in society. The aim is to make the young boys and girls gender sensitive and create positive social norms that value the girls and their rights

Roles and responsibilities of a general champion

  • Provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating/ mainstreaming gender in all activities of the Institution in the form of focused group discussions, debates, poster competition etc
  • Engage a variety of stakeholders from the school, college, civil society organizations, and women’s groups and media in gender mainstreaming activities
  • Identify gaps in school/college’s activities vis-a-vis gender and make recommendations on how to address these gaps, e.g., observe classroom to detect bias in interaction
  • Promote Gender Champion Club in their educational institutions and Undertaker innovative activities, like creating a website or blog on gender equality and regularly writing an equity column on issues on, e.g., untold stories of extraordinary men and women who changed lives of women and girls, about enabling legislations, government schemes or about finding a new Gender Champion in his/her educational institution, or competitions to analyse greeting cards from general perspective organise film fist or gender equity etc
  • Organised awareness programmes on various gender issues including legislations to influence behaviour change. This could be facilitated through workshops, theme based plays, films, painting competition, etc
  • Organize the school annual functions or the college fest on theme of gender equality and women's empowerment and encourage students to sign up and express the support for gender justice and equality in attractively designed Gender champion booths
  • Organize exposure visits to various public service institutions at the village, block, district and city level (public health centre, hospital, post office, bank, police station, block office, SDM/DM office to facilitate knowledge about gender issues as they affect the diverse populations
  • Popularize phone numbers of service of police helpline, women helpline, hospitals among students
  • Arrange for providing necessary life skills education and information/guidance about existing public service to their fellow students
  • Demonstrate knowledge of important Government schemes, events, legislation, and court rulings which has a major impact on the treatment and experience of diverse groups.
  • Document best practices to measure the extent of behaviour change and display the same through exhibitions, fests, annual magazines etc

Eligibility criteria

A Gender Champion should fulfil the following eligibility criteria

  • Gender champions can be both boys and girls about 16 years of age
  • Should be enrolled in and regularly attending school or college
  • She / he must have secured minimum of 50% marks are equivalent grade in the annual examination/school leaving certificate
  • Excellent oral, written and presentation skill
  • Should have demonstrated leadership qualities
  • Excellent understanding of the socio-cultural issues and prevailing gender norms and practices


The students shall be selected by the Head of the Institution in consultation with the student representatives as Gender Champions on the basis of their intelligence, decisiveness and honesty, which are absolutely essential qualities of a leader. The selection decision will also be based on whether the candidate

  • Engages him/her in visible and hands-on initiative to reduce gender disparities and has organizational skills, including the ability to manage priorities,
  • Makes continuous and substantive time investments in mentoring his/her peers
  • Is easily recognizable by students/peers as a supporter of gender equality and
  • Has experience in the field of gender equality and an in-depth understanding of key issues and debates


  • Ms.T.Nasreen Banu
  • Assistant Professor of Physics

  • Ms.Preethi
  • Assistant Professor of Apparel and Fashion Technology




Yoga education helps in self discipline and self-control,leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness

Briefly the objectives are
  • To enable the students to have good health
  • To practice mental hygine and congition
  • To possess emotional stability
  • To intergrate moral values
  • To attain higher level o consciousness yoga education can enhance all the activities of students, be it academic or sports or social
  • It boost self-esteem and confidence
  • It instill confidence and to bring learning to students on experimental level
  • Yoga teaches them to persevere to be patient, and work towards their goals
  • Yoga also provides tools for practicing compassion , mindfulness, generosity, focus, strength and flexibility

A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily, in both, body and the mind. With this aim in mind, a webinar “Life Skills-The Pathway for Excellence” was organised by Yoga club, AIMAN College of Arts and Sience for Women, Trichy, on 01.10.2021 for the students of AIMAN College through a virtual platform

The program started with a verse from holy Quran was recited by Ms Jasmine, from III B.Sc.(AFT). Welcome address was delivered by Ms. S. Sahana from III B.Sc.(N&D). The chief guest of the day was Major.Dr.N.S.Sivakumar, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Urum Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy, took yoga session with great dedication. The students participated with full interest and enthusiasm

Exercises for relieving stress, reducing joint pain and enhancing the flexibility of the back were also done for the benefit of the students

The Chief guest motivated the students and conveyed the importance of making yoga an integral part of our daily life by extending the practice of yoga. The session concluded with an interactive session between the chief guest and the students in which the queries of the stuudents were addressed satisfactorily. The session was very refreshing, reviving and relaxing. Finally a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. H. Ameera Banu, II B.Sc. (Mathematics)


A Webinar on “SUCCESS THROUGH FITNESS” was organised by Yoga club, AIMAN College of Arts and Science for Women, Trichy-21, at 10 am on 29.12.2021. The programme commenced with the invocation of the blessings of the Almighty Ms. Fasheeha DavoodUsman Ali, from III B.Sc.(Mathematics) started with Quart. Welcome address was delivered by Ms. S .Safrin Thaslima from III B.Sc. (Mathematics). Our chief guest of the day Major .Dr.N.S.Sivakumar Assistant Professor of physical Education, Urum Dhanalekshmi College, Trichy. The chief guest started this session With great dedication

In his speech give message about yoga “A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way of get ride of stress that accumulates daily ” in both body and the mind. Asanas starting with warming up and stretching were followed by a series of Padmasanas, Sukhasan, Tadasana, Bhujangasana and ending with Shavasana. He also describe about 8 limbs of yoga, its benefits and he share videos of different positions of yoga. After his discussion he spent some time for students doubt clearance. 90 students were participated in this webinar. Finally a vote of thanks proposed by Ms. ReshmaSultana, III B.Sc. (Mathematics).


About Us

LEO club is a youth organisation of Lion's Club International. The word LEO stands for LEADERSHIP, EXPERIENCE, OPPORTUNITY. LEO Club of AIMAN College of Arts and Science for Women was inaugurated on the year 2013 with not less than one hundred active members.


To promote service activities among the youth which will develop the individual qualities of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity.


To provide an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively as responsible members of the local and international community.


LEADERSHIP Develop skills as a project organiser, 2Time manager and team leader.

EXPERIENCE Learn how teamwork, co-operation and collaboration can bring exciting changes to the society


Make friends and feel the rewards of community service.



The Citizen Consumer Club of AIMAN College of Arts & Science for Women is an initiative taken to enhance awareness amongst the student community about the rights and responsibilities of a consumer.


A Person who buys any goods or services for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment is a Consumer.

A person who obtains goods for resale or for any commercial purposes will not be a Consumer. However, if such goods are brought by a person exclusively for the purpose of earning his livelihood by means of self-employment then such a person will be considered as a Consumer.


Our vision of markets in India, where consumers are careful and vigilant while manufacturers are responsible and ethical, guides us. The objectives of our mission would be:

  • Bring awareness and realization about duties and responsibilities as Citizens of India.
  • Spread awareness about the rights and responsibilities of Citizens and Consumers as provided in the Constitution of India, Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and other Indian Laws.
  • To enable students to work together as a team with local communities and develop in to caring, responsible and honest citizens.
  • Mobilize and instill right-consciousness,confidence to question violations of citizen and consumer rights and fight for justice.
  • Impart knowledge about real life situations and to enable to development of skills to handle citizen and consumer issues.Instill concern for environment around us as citizens and consumers and sustainable consumption habits.


  • To learn and follow the traits of a responsible citizen .
  • To disseminate information gained through the club among fellow students, parents, and other people in the community.
  • To organize and actively participate citizen building and consumer protectionprogramme being organized by the club as well as in their locality, mobilizin general public.
  • To observe all important international and national days especially National Consumer Day (24th December) and World Consumer Rights Day (15th March).
  • To treat all fellow citizens with care, concern and responsibility.


  • Consumers in India are largely ignorant of rules, laws and codes. They are also unaware of their rights. A vast majority are also illiterates in many backward districts and states. Hence, dishonest producers and retailers cheat such unsuspecting and ignorant people without difficulty. Hence, consumer welfare is in a state far from desirable.Following are common violations of consumer rights:
  • (1) Under weighing (2) Adulteration (3) Not providing proper bill (4) Poor quality goods/spoilt/damaged goods (5) Poor maintenance (6) Cheating on contract terms / hidden clauses in contract (7) Price higher than Maximum Retail Price on cover (MRP) (8) Forcing / misleading into buying unwanted goods (9) Misleading advertisements, especially aimed at children (10) Selling goods whose expiry date is over (11) Bogus companies, who cannot be contacted after sales (12) Overcharging of interest especially in credit purchase (13) Dangerous,hazardous or unsafe goods. (14) Deficient or discourteous service.
  • The list is endless. Now, how do we fight against these violations and get justice? Consumer Beware! We have to be vigilant, cautious and intelligent. The Teacher-Coordinator must also use case studies to illustrate each type of violation and ask students to list violations that they or their parents have experienced or are still faced with. Voluntary Consumer Organizations’ representative and Coordinating Agencies can share their experiences with students.


Consumer Rights are many (as laid down in the Art and UN Convention)

  • Right to Safety
  • Right to Information
  • Right to choice
  • Right to representation
  • Right to redressal
  • Right to Consumer Education
  • Right to Healthy Environment
  • Right to satisfaction of Basic Needs
  • World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated based on former American President John.F.Kennedy’s announcement of March 15th as Consumer Rights Day on March 15th 1962.

    Subsequently in the year 1973, March 15th was proclaimed as world Consumer Rights Day.

    Students may be asked to explain what each right means to them. Voluntary Consumer Organizations representatives can highlight with examples.

    National Consumer day is celebrated on December 24th every year as the Consumer Protection Act 1986 came into force on 24.12.1986 across India.


CCC STAFF CONVENER:Dr.J.Jayanthi Grace Ruby, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Business Administration

The Following are the Student Bearers of the Citizen Consumer Club for the Academic year 2020-2021.

Name Designation



National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969 with the primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service. ‘Education through Service’ is the purpose of the NSS. The ideological orientation of the NSS is inspired by the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.


The motto of the NSS is "NOT ME BUT YOU ". This expresses the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other man's point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.

The College has 2 units with a strength of 200 volunteers. Every student member of NSS should serve for at least two years with 120 hours of engagement in community service, per year, excluding annual camps. At the end of two years of satisfactory service, every student member will receive the NSS Certificate, which is considered as equivalent to a diploma in Social Service.


NSS aims at developing the following qualities/ competencies among the volunteers:

  • Understand the community in which they work
  • Understandthemselves in relation to their community
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving
  • Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
  • Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
  • Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
  • Gain skills in mobilizingcommunity participation
  • Acquire leadershi qualities and democraticattitudes
  • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
  • Practice national integration and social harmony
  • NSS attempts to establish meaningful linkages between ‘Campus and Community’, ‘College and Village’ and ‘Knowledge and Action’.


All the youth volunteers who opt to serve the nation through the NSS led community service wear the NSS badge with pride and a sense of responsibility towards helping needy. The Konark wheel in the NSS badge having 8 bars signifies the 24 hours of a day, reminding the wearer to be ready for the service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours. Red colour in the badge signifies energy and spirit displayed by the NSS volunteers. The Blue colour signifies the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.


A NSS volunteer who takes part in the community service programme would either be a college level or a senior secondary level student. Being an active member, these student volunteers would have the exposure and experience to be the following:

  • An Accomplished Social Leader
  • An Efficient Administrator
  • A Person Who Understands Human Nature.


About Bhumi

Bhumi is a non-profit organization based in India that focuses on educational initiatives for underprivileged children and environmental conservation. Bhumi is founded by a group of young youths. Bhumi aims to bridge the gap in education and create a more sustainable future.

The organization runs several programs, including educational support for children in orphanages and shelter homes, mentorship programs for students from marginalized communities, and environmental awareness campaigns. Bhumi's volunteers actively engage in teaching, mentoring, organizing events, and fundraising activities to support their various projects.


"Bhumi envisions a world where every underprivileged child is educated and empowered to lead a life of dignity."


To drive social change by fostering an environment where young adults & children learn, lead and thrive.


  • It actively engages volunteers from diverse backgrounds to support its educational initiatives.
  • It runs several educational programs aimed at providing support to underprivileged children.
  • In addition to its educational efforts, Bhumi is committed to environmental sustainability.
  • Works closely with communities to understand their needs and develop tailored interventions
  • Advocates for the rights of underprivileged children and promotes policies that support education, youth empowerment, and environmental conservation


About IPR

The IPR cell of the college aims to create awareness on IPR among the stakeholders of the Institution. To create awareness and educate on Intellectual property rights (IPR) among faculty and students of the college.

Intellectual Property Rights:

Intellectual Property Rights cell was established in the year2019. and IPR Cell conducts the awareness programmes for the students and faculty members to educate them on Intellectual Property Rights including patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. Intellectual Property Rights cell assists in documentation and filling of patents and copy rights for innovations.

Objectives of Intellectual Property Rights:

  • To promote an environment where creativity and innovation thrive by striking a balance between the interests of innovators and the larger public also..
  • To protect traditional knowledge.


  • Dr.Munafar Hussaina
  • Mrs.G.Revathi
  • Dr.K.K.Kalpana
  • Dr.N.Fiverose
  • Dr.S.Alam Jahan

Annual Sports Meet 2015 of AIMAN College of Arts and Science for Women was held 19.09.2015 at college grounds between 3.00pm to 6.00pm Dr.V.Subathra., welcomed the gathering.

The chief Guest of the day was Dr.K.Kala, Regional Joint director of collegiate education., Tiruchirappalli, who encouraged the students to take part in state and national level competitions. Former member of parliament Mr.M.Abdul Rahman, felicitated the gathering saying AIMAN serves as a role model to other women's colleges in Tamilnadu. Janab.Jailani Shamsudeen President AIMAN College, Janab.M.Y.Habibullah,General Secretary, AIMAN College. Janab Shajahan Secretary., AS-SALAM Engineering College Aaduthurai, and DR.M.M.Shahul Hameed Correspondent AIMAN College felicitated the gathering and insisted on Physical Training as daily routine. Prizes were distributed to the champions of AIMAN.


Annual Sports meet 2017 of AIMAN College of Arts and Science for was held on 27.01.2017 at the college grounds between 3.00pm to 6.00pm

Dr.V.Subathra., principal welcomed the gathering chief guest of the day was Dr.M.M.Senthamil Selvi, M.Sc.,M.phil.,ph.D., Regional joint director of collegiate education, tiruchirappalli. She declared the sports meet open by hoisted the flag and accepting the march past honour and she lit the flame in the cauldron and handed it over to the champion of the college. The champions took the olympic oath followed by track and field events. Dr.M.M.Shahul Hameed correspondent of AIMAN college felicitated the gathering the chief guest highlighted that the sports is not for fun, it helps to build one's self esteem& self confidence in order to become most accomplished person.

Prizes were distributed the champions of AIMAN.


AIMAN College of Arts and Science for women conducted the Annual Sports Day on 24.02.2018 for the academic year 2017-2018. The students commenced march-past in six Contingents of different houses. Our Principal Dr.V.Subathra, delivered welcome address. The chief guest of the day was Mr.S.Vigneshwaran, Asst. Commissioner of Police, Traffic Department,Trichy. He took the salute of the impressive march-past and also administered the oath. Our Correspondent Dr.M.M.Shahul Hameed felicitated the gathering. The winners of the various events were awarded with trophies, medals, and certificates. Our sports Coordinator Mrs.Caroline Mary Asst.Professor , department of English delivered the vote of thanks.


AIMAN COLLEGE of Arts & Science for Women conducted the Annual sports day on 28.9.2018.Our Principal Dr.SuhashiniErnest.,delivered the welcome address.

The programme started with the march-past in six contingents of different houses followed by the lighting of the Olympic torch.The chief guest of the day was Prof.Dr.G.ANITHA,MD,DEAN, KAPV GOVRNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE , TRICHY.

She took the salute of the impressive march-past and also administered the oath.

Our Correspondent Dr.M.M.ShahulHameed.,felicitated the gathering.

The winners of the various events were awarded with tropies and certificates

Our sports co-ordinator Mrs.C.Priya,HOD,Department of Mathematics delivered the vote of thanks


The much awaited Annual Sports Meet was held on Saturday 21st September 2019, with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. The program began with the praising the Almighty and being grateful for showering blessings upon us to have this wonderful day. The Holy Quran Verses Qirat was recited by Ms.Yasim Noor of II M .Sc CS. India is a land known for its Patriotism. Being patriotic to the Tamil soil Tamil Thai Vazhuthu was sung by the students. Welcoming is an esteemed principle of showing our humble nature, Our Respected Principal Dr. Suhashini Ernest felicitated the gathering and emphasized the Importance of Sports in a Young Women’s Life. The Chief Guest Mrs. Anarkali Begum, Retired Additional Superintendent of Police,CMA. Dr. M. Sheik Mohamed and Mr. A. Abdul Majeed, Our Secretary and Treasurer and Our Respected Principal Dr. Suhashini Ernest and Managing Committee took the salute of the impressive March Past of the students, coupled with stirring marching music and grand the occasion with their amongst presence

The students entered into the spirit of occasion in a grand way with Oath being administered by the Sports Captains Ms. Badrunisha of I M. Com, Ms. Sarah of III BBA, Ms. Keerthika of III N&D, Ms. Rihana Begum of III BA. An energizing equestrian display set the tone for the event. The Olymipic torch was enlightened and lit by Ms. Regana Begum of III BA. The students displayed a Pyramid Show mesmerizing the audience with their energetic performances. Honour is the reward of her service. The Chief Guest Honouring Ceremony was adored with shawl and memento. Every moment was a good memory to be recorded in our mind. The Chief Guest addressed on The Women Empowerment and Encouragement in Sports Field. The Best March Past has been awarded to Group I Atlanta Legends and the runners were Group IV San Diego Fleets. The Overall Championship trophy was bagged by Group II San Antonio Commanders and the runners were Group I Atlanta Legends. The prize distribution went in a cheerful manner by awarding various prizes to the winners in all the various sports events. Finally the great meet ended with Vote of Thanks given by Mrs. Priya, HOD of Department of Mathematics with the salute to our nation singing National Anthem.

Information to be updated soon...

Fine Arts

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

Everything that you can imagine is true, yet most of what you see around you is probably the result of someone's imagination. The fine arts group aims to raise awareness of aesthetics and fine art in the community while also fostering an artistic environment on campus. Its objective is to release the creative, expressive, and artistic potential of every pupil. To foster tolerance for individual difference and openness to new ideas, the fine arts curriculum encourages respect for oneself as well as for the work, cultures, and artistic expression of others. The fine arts club's primary goal is to support the students' emerging talent.